Tuesday, July 20, 2010

9125 Days

On July 9th, I turned 9, 125(give 5 or 6 for leap years) days old, aka 25. Sounds old right? Actually, calculating the days made me feel much younger. For some reason I thought I was going to end up with some sky high five digit number(shows you all how rusty my math skills are). I also want to thank everyone(roles both small & large) who has been a part of the experiences that have made me the woman I have come to be... the good, the bad, and the ugly.

This whole time since my birthday I've been trying to come up with something witty and thoughtful and deep to say, and you know what I've got for you all?? Nada. The only thing I could think about is how thankful I am to have been blessed with the opportunity to make it a be a quarter century. I'm even more excited about the things that I have planned for my future and definitely anxious to see where life will take me.

In the next two weeks, I have to make one of the most important decisions I've had to make since I decided on which college to attend. To be quite honest, I think this decision is even more important than that. And I am petrified. My nights are sleepless and my mind is always contemplating the 'what if'. But if there is one thing that I know, it's that if(as my motrher always likes to remind me) I actually have the word which is tattoed on my wrist, "Faith", I will be able to achieve and excel in whatever it is that is in store for me.

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