Friday, May 21, 2010

What About Your Friends?

So the other day I decided to have a Sex and The City series marathon. As I watched episode after episode, I begin to realize how the focus of the show wasn't necessarily sex, or really even the male relationships Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda carried on throughout the shows duration, but more so about the special bond that they all shared with one another.

Man after man, argument after argument, these 4 women stuck together through it all. Their lives evolved throughout the course of the series but it seemed that their bond only grew stronger. Are bonds like this between women realistic? Or, are they just made for TV? As women, we can be pretty catty and controntational at times, often letting drama spoil any chances we may have had at creating lasting bonds.

What I've also noticed is that even when we do create close bonds with other women, we're more likely than men are to toss our friends to the side when we find someone that we're interested in being with. I've definitely heard women say, "I'd love to hang out with you all and do this or that, but you know I gotta man now." Why does being in a relationship mean you have to totally stop being around the people who cared about you before he came along? Because the truth is that if things don't work out with that guy, those same friends will be the one's you want to lean on for support.

The older I get, the more I am beginning to realize how important my relationships with the other women in my life actually are. When I was younger, I took many of the people I came across for granted, it's like I thought they would always be there. People came and went, and a lot of my friendships were like revolving doors. As I come to a point where I want to feel settled in life, I actually desire to create healthy, genuine bonds with my female friends. I want to be able to have honest, reliable, non judgemental female relationships. Is that too much to ask?


  1. Interesting topic. More&more lately I find myself being super grateful for the circle of female friends that I'm closest too as well other friends. We may not always do the best of keeping up communication wise, but when it counts--we're totally there for each other.

    Some of my friends are in serious relationships, 1 is married, and I am one of the few single ones. It's tricky because I am always trying to govern MYSELF b/c I know that at any given moment their man can come first(and I don't fault them that) but many times it's not even needed because they do a great job of balancing relationships w/ friendships.

    The sad truth is that even as adults, we act like children. Children sometimes will ditch an old toy for the newest toy they get. Some people do that people. It's a shame because how can you NOT realize that BOTH are fulfilling to your life?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I began realizing the REAL importance of girlfriends during college. It's just something about having that core group of friends and knowing that they'll be there for you no matter what.

    I have also seen females diss their friends for their new boo, but of course when the breakup comes (true) girlfriends will be there (even if they were dissed a little during the honeymoon phase of the relationship).

    I think you're right SATC is a great portrayal of female relationships ...think about it everyone has a Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda, and Samantha right?? (I know I do lol)
