Wednesday, January 27, 2010

5 No-no's He Just Can't Stand

Recently I took a survey amongst some of my closest male friends, asking them what they felt were some things a woman could say or do that would make them doing an about face. I narrowed their responses down to "The 5 No-no's".

1. She only wants you for what you can do for her
Ladies, it's our nature to look for a man who can protect and provide for us. But let's not overemphasize the "provide" element. Particularly around this age, many guys are still trying to find their niche and build up their empire. If they see you're more interested in getting in their financial benefits than getting to know them for who they are... you may surely get dismissed.

2. Shady sexual history
Had or have an STD or two? Got more than a few skeletons hanging in that closet? I had a couple guys tell me that a woman with a shaky sexual history is a definite no no. Sometimes we may think men care a lot less about our sexual pasts because of their own "adventures". Call it a double standard but unfortunately we should be used to that by now.

3. She hates men
As women in the dating game, we've all had our share of heartbreaks and headaches but honestly, no man that you're currently dating wants to hear about all your issues with men. He doesn't need nor want to know about how you think all men are dogs/liars/cheaters etc. More than likely he'll start wondering if you hate men so much, what are you doing with him?

4. You don't know how to let a man be a man
Sometimes we need to throw all that independent mumbo jumbo to the side. Men like to feel needed. He doesn't want to know that you can do everything on your own and don't need him for anything. If you can do it all on your own, what are you trying to keep him around for? Let him pay for dinner without you offering, open the door for you, take command every once in a while. I think it helps to show that you trust him to do right by you.

5. Trying to change a man
I don't even think there's a need to elaborate on this one. Men don't like to be changed and more than likely, you won't be able to change them. So if he's not what you want, move on and find it.

What are other dealbreakers fellas?

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