Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Way We Were

A new decade is upon us and with the arrival of 2010, I have come to one definite conclusion: things between men and women will never be the same.

Say bye-bye to the days when boy meets girl, boy likes girl, boy marries girl, they have 2.5 kids and a house with the picket fence and live happily ever after... just like that. Sure there are exceptions to the rule, hey, I even know some of these people. However, your chances of falling into that small group are getting slimmer by the nano second.

Don't take my realism for negativity, hell, that life was a dream I envisioned for myself for the most part of my life. Anybody who knows me forreal, knows that I'm actually a hopeless romantic. However, it wasn't until I graduated from college and moved out on my own that I realized I would be up for more of a challenge. I've been told that the challenge of finding love is part of the game; too bad playing isn't always fun. Don't get me wrong, there are those(both men and women) who enjoy this challenge... thrive off of it even. I mean, all animals enjoy a good hunt every now and then :o)

In this new venture of mine, I want to share with whomever is out there reading, my take on the journey on the road to lust, love, and the happily ever after. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I plan to!!

*For my friends/associates/ex lovers and the like who may read my memoirs and see yourselves in these stories, don't be mad! It only means you were on my mind :o)


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