Thursday, January 21, 2010

I'm Addicted to Sex

Not me sillies! But apparently Tiger Woods is. Unless you've been hiding under a rock, stories have been circulating about Tiger Woods checking himself into the Pine Grove Behavioral Health & Addictions center in Mississippi to be treated for sexual addiction. I didn't think twice about this initial but a conversation I had with my mother last night, got me thinkin

Society teaches us that men are sexually driven beings. They enjoy sex and have sex with multiple partners, with little to no scrutiny. Women on the other hand are supposed to be "virginal" even if they aren't. Let me explain. Even when a girl has had sex, aside from her closest friends, she isn't likely to make her sexcapades public knowledge. For we all know, if she did, most people would turn a judgemental eye and start calling her all types of hos, sluts, etc. Even in relationships; no man wants to think about his woman being with another man before him but most women hope their man has had some practice and knows what he's doing before crawling between her sheets. No matter how far we've come in equal rights for the sexes, double standards still exist.

Now back to the Tiger discussion.

Tiger had affairs with several women, okay, more than a dozen women over the course of his marriage and some before that. From waitresses, to bartenders, to porn stars and prostitutes. Tiger was sleeping with them all. What is it that pushes this situation beyond a man who couldn't keep it in his pants, to someone with a genuine problem? Some would argue that he doesn't have a problem at all, it's all just a great PR move (that was my mother's opinion).

It's not my place to determine whether Tiger has a sexual addiction or not but I defenitely think that people can be addicted to sex, just like people can be addicted to anything else that puts them in a blissful state. It would just be interesting to know how far does someone have to go for it to become an addiction? Humans naturally think about sex on a regular basis, on average 9 times a day (men 13 times a day, women a mere 5... not a surprise). What if you thought about having a drink or taking a drug that many times a day? You would have been in rehab a long time ago. So what makes someone a sex addict and not just someone who lacks self control and is thus over indulgant from time to time? Do you have to be sleeping with the bottom of the barrel, no offense to the porn stars and prostitutes out there, before someone says you have a problem? What if that's just the preference?

These are all just a bunch of questions, I'm sure there are no concrete answers but I'd like to see where you all weigh in on this issue.

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